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ISSN 1559-2677
September 17, 2006
Vol. 4, Issue 2
Published every
Sunday, so sit back, relax, and enjoy a cup of
coffee with me!
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subscription, see the link at the bottom.
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Hi there!
- A Note from Alicia ~ Fall
of Festivals...
- Feature Article: Working
on Yourself IS Working on Your Business
- Alicia Recommends: The Client Abundance Coaching Cafe Charter Membership
- just $4.95
**Recommend Creating Client
Find this ezine valuable? Why not recommend it to a few
As a thank you for doing this, I have a very special book
to pass along to you: Knock Knock: Seth Godin’s Incomplete
Guide to Building a Website that Works. It's free and
it's fantastic.
To tell-a-friend, please click
here. And thanks!
Please add "alicia@clientabundance.com" to your email
friends list, so you won't miss future issues!
Interested in what else is going on with me and Client Abundance?
Visit my personal and business blog
1/2-way to St. Pat's Day!
of the fun things about living in a tiny village is that there
are a slew of festivals that start up right after Labor Day.
This weekend is a favorite of ours - the Irish Festival -
and so appropriate since it's 1/2-way to St. Patrick's Day
today... :) So that's where we'll be celebrating... Here's
Chloe at last year's Irish Festival, going for the Guinness...
We had another great call this past week in the Client
Abundance ListBuilding WorkGroup. We covered six more
of the 20+ strategies and had some great conversation around
how to implement them. Our next call will cover 6 more strategies,
which brings the count to 20, with one more regular call and
one bonus call to go. Maybe I should have said it was 20+++
strategies... :)
I'll also be holding a members-only teleseminar for the Client
Abundance Coaching Cafe this week, where we'll be talking
about some mindshifting concepts about gearing up for a financially
rewarding 4th quarter. If you're interested, take advantage
of the $4.95 introductory offer under 'Alicia Recommends'
A slight departure this week from the usual nuts-and-bolts
articles I typically share with you. There's something that
has become more and more evident to me over the course of
2006, and that's how much my personal and professional success
are intertwined. This week, I thought I'd share some of what
seems to be ringing true, not just for me, but also for my
clients as well as some really successful colleagues of mine.
Enjoy the twist...
Cheers to your success,

M Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™
PS: If you didn't get a chance to
get your updated copy of "5 Keys to Wild Abundance in Your
Business," just visit
this link for a handy PDF copy of
it. | 
"How To Draw An Abundance of Clients to Your
Business" The FREE Intro AUDIO
Class (listen right now)
Creating your marketing
and product funnel is the most effective, no-cost, and easiest
way to build a
mailing list of prospects, create new products and services
that make you passive revenue, and allow you the freedom to
design your business in a way that truly works for
This lively intro AUDIO class covers
how to create your own funnel to bring abundance to your
business, consistently and easily. Listen
right now at your convenience via live streaming or
download. | 
on Yourself IS Working on Your Business
by Alicia M. Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™
Being an entrepreneur isn't easy. Putting yourself out there
in such a way opens you up to criticism, makes you confront
your fears and forces you to recognize your limitations. But
it also shows you how to harness your unique skills and gifts,
teaches you delegation and discipline, and even patience and
As a fulltime mom and fulltime business owner, I sometimes
feel overwhelmed with all there is to do each day and frustrated
by a lack of time. In those moments, I try to remind myself
that what I'm learning from being a mother and from my young
daughter applies to my business as well. I truly believe that
my success in business is a direct result of my own personal
growth. And nothing has helped me grow more quickly than being
a mom!
To further the point, since I invested in my first personal
development info-product (Tony Robbin's Personal Power in
1989) to my recent attendance at the Power
of Collaboration SuperConference in NYC, whenever I make
the effort to work on myself, my business takes a leap forward.
This wasn't apparent at first, but over the course of this
year, where I've made the concentrated effort to focus on
my personal growth consistently, my business has flourished
as a result.
It's kind of amazing, actually, to start connecting the dots
as to why I would struggle with certain things in my personal
life and then face those same issues in my business. Once
I started addressing those things that were holding me up
personally, the blocks came down in my business as well. AND
the money and clients started flowing in, more easily and
more consistently.
(And conversely, there are things that I was very good at
handling in my business that I wasn't so great at handling
in my personal life. Once it was concretely pointed out to
me that I had the skills already, that I just needed to apply
them to my personal life to get similar results, those personal
challenges started to disappear.)
So now when I get overwhelmed and frustrated, I remind myself
that everything I'm learning and doing, even if it's repetitive
(what toddler doesn't love repetition?), is teaching me something
that can be applied to both my business and my life, even
if it's simply to be more patient or to enjoy the present
moment more!
© 2006 Alicia M Forest and ClientAbundance.com
may, as long as it remains intact and you include this complete
blurb with it: Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen
& Coach™, founder of http://www.clientabundance.com/,
and creator of "21 Easy &
Essential Steps to Online Success System™, teaches coaches,
consultants, online entrepreneurs, and self-employed professionals
how to attract more clients, create profit-making products
and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life
they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create abundance
in your business, visit http://www.clientabundance.com/

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
- Anton Chekhov
Join me with your fellow business owners to start putting
what you know into practice, with support and camaraderie
- for only $4.95.
For the price of a venti chai
at Starbucks, you can be a Charter Member of my recently launched
Client Abundance Coaching Cafe membership program!
If you want to learn how to get
more clients and customers and build a successful and sustainable
business, the Cafe is the place for you.
But here's the deal... I'm only accepting a limited number
of Charter Members, so if you would like a spot, please don't
miss out...
Go to the Cafe
info page NOW, and turn up your speakers to get the full
By the way, our next members-only call is THIS Thursday, September
21. Sign on now and join us live!
Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen
& Coach™,  and Founder of http://www.clientabundance.com/,
teaches coaches, consultants, online entrepreneurs and solo
professionals how to attract more clients, create
profit-making products and services, make more sales, and
ultimately live the life they desire and deserve.
grow by "word-of-email" so please feel free to forward this
newsletter to anyone whom you think might benefit from and enjoy it.
Thanks so much!ClientAbundance.com, 42 Kelmore Street, Walden, NY
12586 Contact Us: 845-216-8838, info@clientabundance.com
2002-2006 Alicia M Forest and ClientAbundance.com. All rights
reserved. | |