** Attention Coaches, Consultants,
Self-Employed Service Professionals,
Online Entrepreneurs **

"In Just 90 Minutes,
You Can Learn the 'Secret' Formula for
Writing Sales Pages that
Double - Even Triple - Your Sales!"


"I'll show you how to write the kind of sales pages that can skyrocket your sales - just like the ones the copywriters who get paid thousands of dollars to write - just by following a simple and proven step-by-step formula."

Alicia M Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™

Alicia M Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™
New York, New York, USA

Tuesday, 9am

Dear Friend and Fellow Entrepreneur,

Do you currently have sales pages online, but they aren't converting, meaning you're not making many (or any!) sales from them?


Are you planning on launching a product or service in the next 90 days
and know you need to write the sales page for it, but have no idea how to go about it?

If so, I know you'll find this letter extremely valuable - because I'm going to show you how to start pulling in tons of new orders by sharing with you the 'secret' formula for writing sales pages that sell.

The formula I'm going to share with you is the exact same one I use to consistently convert 1.5% of my prospects into paying clients and customers every single time I make an offer.

Now, that may not sound like a lot to you, but if you compare that to the usual 0.5% conversion rate that's standard for online marketing, you can start to understand the power that this formula has to deliver real results.

So, let me ask if any of the following rings true for you...


Are you tired of putting together offer after offer and hoping that maybe this time you've got it right and your business will take off?

Are you totally frustrated knowing you have something of value to share but you can't seem to convey that well enough to create a viable business for yourself?

Are you sick of struggling to sell your offerings and afraid that you're actually losing sales?

Do you despise the the word "selling" - period?

You're not alone. Most small business owners - especially those of us who provide a service to others - cringe at the mere mention of "selling".

But you can write sales copy that smacks of your authenticity and your integrity (and even your sparkling personality) instead of sleeze and hype - I promise.


“I had just finished writing my first sales page when I signed up for Alicia’s Sales Pages That Sell teleseminar.

It turns out my sales page was ok—but it wasn’t great and it was missing some key components that all good sales pages need.

Alicia’s clear instructions on applying the simple formula for writing effective sales pages really helped clarify for me what I can do to now improve my current sales page and everything that I write in the future.

Thanks to this class, I have the tools to refine what I’ve written. I know in the end it will mean more sales for me.

This was the fourth teleseminar I’ve taken with Alicia and each time I have been impressed with her professionalism and the huge amount of useful information she presents every time.”

Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.
Expert Life & Relationship Coach

Do You Know What REALLY Sells
Your Services, Your Products, or Your Programs?

Nope, it's not the eye-catching grapics on your web page, your pretty face in a photo, or even a low price...

It's WORDS - otherwise known as 'copy' - and specifically for marketing, it's called sales copy, and the art of writing sales copy is called copywriting.

Great News For People Who Hate Writing

And there is an art to it. But not nearly as much as you think! The great news is that there is a science to writing very effective sales copy - a science that ANYONE can master.

And of all the marketing skills you can learn, the most important by far is copywriting.


1. Because it's the most expensive to outsource and

2. Because if YOU write it, then you have the opportunity to let your authenticity shine through, which will bring you more clients and customers every single time.

And to make it super-simple for you, I've broken the process down into easy to understand and implement steps that you can start using right now to start increasing your sales right now.

I'll also give you examples of sales pages that are live online right now that are making money for their owners - in most case, lots of money - even as you read this.


"I took Alicia's teleclass because it seemed like it was important to have a sales page in order be successful at selling products or services, but I had two problems:

1) I didn't like sales pages, and

2) I didn't know how to write one that I would like and that would work.

I'd been reading Alicia's newsletters, and felt she'd offer something of value. I was right! I left the call energized and confident about my own sales pages.


Karen Jones
The Heart Matters

Even Just A Few Simple Changes
Can Make An Enormous Difference
in Your Sales

You know, when I first started writing sales pages for my own offerings, I thought I was ok at at. Not great, but good enough.

Now I cringe at some of the old copy I used to think was actually good!

In working with my business coach, I started learning the difference between copy that sells and copy that doesn't. And my sales pages were definitely in the "doesn't sell" group.

I mean, I'd sell a handful of spots in a coaching program, or have a few people buy an ebook or register for an ecourse I was offering, but if I had to take an educated guess, the reason they said 'yes' was NOT because of my compelling sales copy, but because of the relationship I had built with them over time through my ezine (but that's another class).

After applying just a few things that I learned from my coach, I started to see real results - results like a 300% increase in people signing up for my ezine!

Then I was hooked. So, as I often do, I immersed myself in learning, and in this case, from some of the most successful copywriters in the industry - copywriters who literally make millions for their clients.

(By the way, wouldn't even a fraction of $1 million make you happy? :))


"Thank you so much for this class - it was fantastic! I learned so much.

Before I took the class I knew I had to write a sales page for my upcoming product, but having never done anything like this before I really didn't know where to start. I didn't realize that there was such a lot to consider when writing your sales page.

Your class has given me so many resources, tools, tips, and information that I now feel confident that I can write my own sales page.

I especially liked the exercise you gave us on the listing features and benefits, and didn't realize how simple it was to differentiate the two!"

Tracey Lawton

What I Learned Is That There Is
No Magic To Writing Good Sales Copy.


It's just a process. A simple step-by-step repeatable process that anyone - and I mean anyone - can follow and get great results. Even if you think you're not a writer - it absolutely doesn't matter.

Writing sales copy that sells is a skill that anyone can master, and I'm going to give you the exact steps to follow so you can master it, too. Before long, you'll be writing copy like a pro and reaping the rewards.

So, if your sales pages aren't getting the results you're after...If they aren't as profitable as you'd like them to be...Or even if your sales pages are doing ok at the moment...

Wouldn't you like to increase your conversion rates - make MORE sales - with a simple to follow formula?

Even one or two tweaks to what you're already doing can make a HUGE difference. I know - it did for me and my bottom line almost immediately.

Here's how:

1. By changing a SINGLE word in my headline....

... my ezine subscription rate soared 300%.

2. By relating to my reader from an authentic place...

... over 40% of those who visited one of my sales pages on the first day it launched bought the product. Almost one year later, that same sales pages still consistently converts at 33%.

3. By knowing what to highlight...

... I don't lose people (and therefore potential sales!) who couldn't be bothered reading long copy (and who really has the time to read all that copy anyway?)

What if you knew how to do even just these 3 simple things?
What difference would it make on your bottom line?

I'll tell you - it will make all the difference in the ultimate success and sustainability of your business.

I'll Show You How To Write Sales Copy That Will Make A
Dramatic Difference In The Success Of Your Business.


And best of all, you'll learn all of this NOW so you stop losing sales NOW.

Here's just some of what you'll learn during your 90-minutes with me

  • The 4 things you must have in place before you even consider writing one word of copy

  • How to write a sales page from scratch, eliminating your fear of the blank page

  • The one concept you must master to double - even triple - your sales (it's so simple, you almost won't believe it)

  • 5 headline templates you can steal to help you craft the most important - and most read - part of your sales page

  • What components your sales page must have to make sales consistently

  • The exact formula that I (and many of my very successful colleagues) use to write our own effective copy

  • The secret behind all great copywriting - and it's not hiring a professional!

  • Real 'live' sales pages that are very successful that you can model to make it even easier for you as you write your own

  • The mindset you need to write successful sales pages - if you don't do this, you'll actually be working too hard to write your copy

  • The single most important thing you MUST do in order to craft killer copy that practically guarantees that people will buy

  • How writing a sales letter for a product or service is very different than writing copy for your website

  • A step-by-step layout for your sales page that is super-simple to follow

  • How to weave in the most pertinent information that will make your reader resonate with your offering

  • A quick test to run your sales page through to dramatically increase your sales

  • What NOT to do in your sales pages so people don't click away

  • What you need to know to make your sales pages do double-duty for you

  • The most effective way to use testimonials on your sales pages that most people don't do

  • The simple difference between using bonuses that help you make the sale and ones that don't

  • How to engage your reader in your copy so they keep reading, all the way down to your order link

  • Guidance on how to set the price for your offering that will entice your readers to buy

  • The one piece that must be part of your sales page for people to click the order link

  • How to make buying from you as easy and painless for your readers as possible

  • How to choose your words so you get more ideal buyers and therefore less returns

  • How to find a copywriter to write your sales page for you once your own sales pages have catapulted you to a financial place where you can invest thousands of dollars for someone else to do it for you while you kick back on a beach somewhere... :)

  • And MUCH, MUCH MORE...

With all the information I'm going to share with you in this program, you'll be able to stop worrying about not making enough sales, whether you provide a service to clients or sell products or both, because writing sales pages that consistently make money is NOT difficult. It's just simple step-by-step process that you can start following right away.

And you know what else? Once you start using this formula, you'll actually start to enjoy writing your sales pages! Because you get to really 'talk' with your reader, you get to share your story, you get to be yourself, AND you get to offer them something of value that benefits you both.

It's a win-win... How sweet is that?

Here's what you'll get:

90-Minute Digital Audio Recording of the LIVE TELESEMINAR

You'll get INSTANT ACCESS to the digital audio recording via live streaming and downloadable MP3 file so you can listen right now, AND you can listen as many times as you like.


SALES PAGE TEMPLATE in a downloadable PDF format

You'll also receive a step-by-step template to follow as you write your own sales pages that will entice your readers to say "Yes - that's exactly what I need!" and take the action you most want them to take - place their order.

This proven process works - time and time again.


CLASS NOTES in a downloadable PDF document

In addition to your Sales Page Template, you'll receive detailed class notes so you'll have access to the information that you need at your fingertips, right when you need it. No more fast-forwarding through the recording until you hear what you need.

I've been told repeatedly that my detailed class notes are one of the the things that really separates my programs from the rest. :)

So, how much is all this information worth to you?

To learn all of this from me in 1:1 coaching sessions would run you a minimum of $500. But for a much, much smaller investment, you can learn everything you need to know to start writing your own money-making sales pages by joining me on this info-packed call.

And I want this information to be easy to access, so I'm offering this program me for only $97.00 $48.50 close-out price!

AND there's more...

(value: PRICELESS)



Isn't it always easier when you have something to use as a model to guide you through? I'll give you the links to sales pages that have excellent conversion rates for their owners that you can use as models for your own sales pages.



Short or long? That is the question when it comes to determining which kind of sales copy your product or service needs to get the best results.

This ebook will help you decide quickly and easily.


Writing short sales copy is different (and often harder) than writing longer sales copy. This ebook will walk you through how to write effective copy for the product page or catalogue of your website, for email promotions, and for advertising spots to increase your sales.


in downloadable PDF format

This comprehensive checklist will make sure you're ready to roll out your sales page with the confidence it's going to do its job - make more sales for you!


RESOURCE GUIDE for my picks of all the tools you need

This is your resource guide where I share with you fantastic tools and resources that will you can add to your toolbox for putting together your own effective and successful sales pages (one of the tools will even write the sales page for you!).


So, what do you think? Isn't it time for your sales pages to started MAKING you money?

Great! :)



Get Started Right Now to Discover Exactly
How to Write Sales Pages that Sell!

YES, Alicia I want to start making more money from my sales pages!

I understand that for only $97.00 $48.50 I'll get access to a the digital audio recording of the LIVE 90-Minute Teleseminar with you, plus my own Sales Pages Step-by-Step Template to follow, as well as complete class notes.

I will also receive the 5 valuable BONUSES: Samples of Real Sales Pages that Sell, How to Decide What Kind of Sales Copy You Need mini-ebook, How to Write Effective Short Sales Copy mini-ebook, the Sales Page Checklist
, and the Resource Guide so I will have all the information I need to get started writing sales pages that sell right away.

--> All Close-Out Sales Are FINAL -- No Refunds <--

Click Here Now to Reserve Your Copy
Via Secure Online Server or Phone


cheers to your success,

Alicia M Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™


PS: Remember, it's not difficult to write effective sales pages, especially if you have a proven formula to follow. Let me walk you through it step-by-step by ordering here

Questions? We're happy to help. Email us at info@clientabundance.com

Alicia M Forest/ClientAbundance.com
PO Box 101
Walden, NY 12586


legal disclaimer
© 2006-2008 Alicia M Forest and ClientAbundance.com