Psst...Coaches, Consultants, Virtual Assistants,
& other Service Professional Solo-Preneurs

FREE One-Time-Only Teleseminar Call...

"If You're Overwhelmed and Confused About How to Build Your Own Successful and Sustainable Business Online, from Scratch and on a Shoestring, then I Know You'll Want To Be On This Call!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 8pm Eastern
(7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific)

"How I Broke Through the 6-Figure Mark While Only Working 8 Hours a WEEK, and How I Continue to Work Less, Make More, and Enjoy True Freedom in My Life... And How You Can Too!"

I'm celebrating having surpassed the 6-Figure mark in my business, and delighting in my march toward the quarter-of-a-MILLION dollar mark this year.

I'm working far less than I ever have, doing the meaningful work that I love with clients I adore, and reveling in their successes with gratitude for being part of it.

And I'm so excited to have you join me for a FREE teleseminar, where I'm going to personally share with you exactly how I got to this point in my own business (while raising two small children, no less!) and how you can too!

All you need is a phone to join me, so register now for this one-time-only FREE teleseminar.

On this FREE call, you will discover:

Why it's critical to know who you are best suited to serve so your business can flourish with ease and grace.

Why building your email list of potential clients and customers is imperative to building the successful business you desire and deserve, and the key to doing it for little to no money.

Why crafting your unique marketing message will attract more of your ideal clients and customers to you without you having to chase them.

The simple formula I use to quickly and easily create the products and services my target market most wants to buy from me (this one strategy alone makes creating offers for your market so much easier and so much more fun!).

Where to find everything you need to create information products that sell themselves on your website 24/7, giving you as many passive streams of income as you could want! (This one is deceptively simple.)

Which simple tools you need to build your first website or makeover the one you have so that it attracts high quality traffic and entices visitors to sign up for your email list.
Why this is the only business model that I know of that costs next-to-nothing to start, yet quickly creates cash flow that only multiplies... and so much more!


Just enter your information below to receive access to the call...



Don't miss out on this one-time-only FREE teleseminar! Fill in the boxes above right now to secure your spot on the call and to have access to the call recording as well.

See you on the call!

Cheers to your success,

Alicia M Forest, MBA
6-Figure Business Breakthrough Mentor

PS: If you receive the 'you're already subscribed to this list' message, then rest assured that you WILL receive all the details of this call in your inbox very soon!


Alicia M Forest, MBA

© 2009 Alicia M Forest/Client Abundance I All Rights Reserved